Found early '69-'74 brake master cylinder rebuild kits

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Found early '69-'74 brake master cylinder rebuild kits

Postby DrewP » Fri Mar 15, 2013 2:59 pm

Since these are hard to find and some of you guys also have early 99's with the 19mm (3/4 in) ATE brake master cylinders you should get one or two of these to have on hand. I know DougM has an NOS cylinder, but if you have one you can hone these are handy to have.

They do NOT come with the bushings for the reservoir, but has the 4 pressure seals, and two lip seals that go on the end of the rod stack and a nylon bushing that goes behind the snap ring. I was lucky and had two good used reservoir bushings.

It's eBay #310341005346 and was ~$35 shipped from the UK.

Skandix lists them on their German site, but the base shipping rate is marked as 65 euro, so I didn't even bother.

Mine arrived to my address in California about a week after I ordered it.

I installed mine last night and now the brakes on the white '73 work great.

Alternatively I found an old Saabnet post that said they used pressure seals from a '69 VW Beetle, which also has a 19mm master and should be easier to find.

I honed my cylinder with a stone hone, then I finish it up with some 00 and then 000 steel wool taped and wrapped around a socket extension in the drill to smooth out the surface after the stone. Works great.
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